Meal replacement bars are one of the hardest things to find (decent ones, that is). In general, what you get, but can be a protein meal replacement bar with a fleshy, or a chocolate bar with a nice bag full of advertising and publicity. Substitute a bar, a meal should have a fair amount of protein, complex carbohydrates, good fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The main problem with most bars, which is for them to have a solid state and half to make the tasteThe producers of decent load with sugar and / or chemicals.
I'm looking for a decent meal replacement bars for years, and I had the opportunity to taste really good and really bad. Below I give an overview of some of them. It 'was certainly difficult to replace a meal bar that meets my criteria to find. In case you have not visited my site, this is the criterion used for selection and recommendation of bars, smoothies, snacks, recipes and foodin general.
Natural is always better! Do not let people (or companies) to convince you that a product is better than the food itself, and please I'm not talking about fried chicken, but fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, healthy oils, lean meats and whole grains. If we base our diet of these foods, we could not take care of meal replacement! Of course, if knowledge is not available is the second best. With this I try to tell you that he knows how to read nutritionFacts and ingredient labels. Learn what is a good ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to your destination. Learn what good fats and bad fats can be seen, which are carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates from sugar. Speaking of sugar, make sure that when you eat something sweet for you, are not full of chemicals and artificial sweeteners. They do nothing for you but give you a bad taste (and who knows, maybe a bad headache, or even cancer ....). Try to stay away from highHigh fructose corn syrup, generally reflects a poor quality. I have nothing against sugar, but if you modify it chemically to make it sweeter and much less expensive, without really worrying about what may cause to our body ... I have a lot of it. Try to be as natural as possible. Sucralose (Splenda), saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame K. .. when you see them running in the opposite direction on the label! Calories. I'm sure you've heard about calories and counting calories, andempty calories, and you're almost done with the calories, but the truth is that excess calories are stored as fat in our body. Pure and simple. If you do not want the calories stored as fat, make sure you burn through physical activity. Meal replacement bars are loaded with calories, so make sure that not only come from sugar (any kind of it), or saturated fat or just fillers. Ingredients. Check the ingredient list. If you can not talk above ingredients(The vitamins are low, and have names difficult to pronounce), then do not eat it. Even if the first ingredient is sugar .... You might want to pass it.
With all that said, I ate a lot of meal replacement bars or protein bars. Here are some short reviews:
Deviation bars: very addictive. I loved the way they taste. I'm so addicted to these bars, I would buy the box ... until I realized that I can not eat because they are so many chemicals thatmy skin had suddenly cracked and brittle. I have the same reaction with all that is sucralose (Splenda do not say that sucralose is safe? L) Odwalla Bars: These bars have all the flavors. You are awesome, but in any case do not qualify as a meal replacement. This is great though snacks. They are all natural and sweet. Lara bars: if you look 100% natural and simple, you can not slightly better than Lara bars. The number ofThe ingredients in their peaks at 5 bar, I think. In addition, they are not cooked, which contributes to the health of these bars. Clif Bar: Now we are closer to something that can be put under the meal replacement bars drawer forever. Clif "protein is soy protein bars, though. I'm still debating about the healthiness of soybean. Greens + Protein Bar: I actually like the taste much. I am a bit 'high fat content for their peanuts. They have the flavor of sesame halva or Spanish nougat. Theirgreen color makes everyone around you, I ask you, what you eat lol. I liked that are 100% natural and have large green and whey proteins.
There are hundreds of bars and meal replacement protein bars on the market. I have tried for years.